Sunday, September 28, 2014

Benji's Weekend Adventures

Benji snuggled with us on Friday night. Snuggling is one of his favorite pastimes.

On Saturday we had two weddings, so we dropped off Benji with my in-laws and he had a doggy playdate! Since he just had his "procedure" on Tuesday he had to stay on a leash. He he had a blast!

He also hung out in the grass while my father-in-law washed the cars.

Benji was extremely tuckered out by the end of his playdate and rested his body at my in-laws.

Sunday morning Benji was full of snuggles. He joined us in our bed and snuggled with me for a few minutes. 

We then headed outside and Benji took care of his business. I was working in the other room while Benji pulled out his toys of the basket!

Benji also joined me while I worked on homework early Sunday morning. Did I mention that he *loves* to snuggle?!?

Benji has really come out of his shell throughout the week. He wants to play, snuggle, is now eating twice a day, doing stairs on his own, and becoming a pro walker!


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